
At MINDS & SPARKS we have a broad experience in conducting applied research and innovation development to tackle currents societal challenges and contribute to the SDGs. The spectrum includes but is not limited to topics such as safety and security, social sciences, modern technologies and education.

M&S Icon 1 Research & Analysis

Research & Analysis
Interdisciplinary Expertise

We offer comprehensive research and analysis services, combining insights from various disciplines to deliver a holistic understanding of complex challenges. Our expert team utilizes several methodologies such as quantitative and qualitative surveys, focus groups, stakeholder studies, and collaboration platforms. We foster collaboration among experts from diverse backgrounds, ensuring a synergistic integration of knowledge and skills as well as contributing to achieve the project’s research goals.

M&S Icon 2 Innovation Management

Innovation Management
Knowledge Transfer

We implement comprehensive innovation management strategies, ensuring your project achieves its highest potential. Our approach includes fostering a culture of innovation, facilitating collaboration, and promoting continuous improvement. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of efficient knowledge transfer, enabling the seamless flow of information and expertise across the project and partners, as well as making your results and outcomes usable for society and industry.

M&S Icon 3 Dissemniation

Dissemination & Communication
Awareness Raising & Promotion

We are an experienced dissemination and communication partner for your project. Following the DEC guidelines provided by the EC, our creatives provide recognisable project identities, leaflets and individual print materials, as well as project websites and digital designs for your social media channels thus maximising your projects’ impact. We are planning all marketing activities over the project’s lifetime, utilising our detailed and structured awareness raising strategies.

M&S Icon 4 Expl & business plan

Exploitation & Business Plans
Market Research & Strategic Analysis

We specialize in providing top-tier exploitation strategies for your project. We ensure your innovations reach their full potential, guiding you from proposal stage to market success. Our dedicated team conducts comprehensive market analysis, identifies key exploitable results, and formulates strategic plans tailored to unique project objectives. We are committed to maximizing the impact of your project, driving growth, and securing a competitive edge in the European market.

M&S Icon 5 Requirements

Requirements Engineering
Use Case Specification

We offer to take over the requirements engineering in software projects to help to address the specific needs of the clients and the end-users. In order to refine the specifications collected within this phase, we are using different techniques like visual personas, surveys, interviews and other to derive the users’ needs. To uphold consistent high-quality standards, we emphasize thorough and iterative communication techniques between all partners during the stages of requirements engineering.

M&S Icon 6 Interface Design

Information Visualisation
Interface Design

We are experienced in providing information visualisation in context of big data analytics and other data-driven projects. Using modern graph libraries and web-based implementation frameworks, we excel in creating modern data dashboard designs. We are also specialised in providing intuitive interface designs for web applications. During the creation process of user interfaces, we are following a multi-step approach to provide designs at right scale based on the individual project focus.

M&S Icon 7 Implementarion WEB

Implementation Web
Application Development

We leverage cutting-edge technologies and best practices to build high-performance, user-friendly applications while emphasizing scalability, security and robust backend systems. Our team of expert developers can deliver various solutions such as project websites, mapping applications, learning hubs, contest portals, marketplaces with advisors as well as tailor-made modules for your practical, impactful web applications that will drive growth and innovation in the digital landscape.

M&S Icon 8 Testing

Testing Demonstration
& User Validation

We are using established testing approaches for application tests at different scales for specific needs during research and innovation projects. To validate project outcomes through the opinion of end users we are applying user surveys or acceptance tests to validate the overall functionality, reliability, and scalability. Due to this approach we are able to integrate real-life experiences into projects and therefore increase the overall quality of the software and services resulting out from it.

M&S Icon 9 Project Management

Project Management

MINDS & SPARKS provides you with experience in holistic project management and supports you professionally in implementing administrative, financial and coordination tasks. MINDS & SPARKS additionally provides quality assurance services for a successful project and elaborates roadmaps for establishing an ideal project structure.

Social Sciences & Humanities

Social research allows us to tackle different societal challenges – for example, ageing societies or radicalisation,– and informs us to design approaches and technical solutions to address them. Therefore, the team of MINDS & SPARKS includes expertise from different social-scientific disciplines (, sociology, communication science, political science, …) and their respective theoretical backgrounds and perspectives. This allows us to address topics such as ageing and care, participation and migration, education, open science, radicalisation, and others. Furthermore, it allows us to apply social-scientific methodologies for different areas of application, from literature reviews to requirements analyses.


Especially when it comes to the development of novel information and communication technologies (ICT), social sciences are crucial to understand the societal challenges to be solved with a technical application. Furthermore, social scientific methodology is applied in user requirements analysis and human computer interaction (HCI), thus enabling the development of technical solutions that are tailored to the users’ needs. This ensures the uptake of the solutions, as well as user satisfaction. M&S has vast experience in carrying out requirements analyses, use-case design, end-user testing and piloting.

Healthcare and Active Assisted Living

Modern-day technical innovation in the field of health and aging is currently progressing towards pluralization of markets for both private consumers and regulated markets, presenting a challenge of a broad range of requirements and demanded expertise. Through constant advancement in information and communication technologies (ICT), novel ways to tackle health- and age-related problems are enabled, while further challenges are created through demographic transformation as well as through the usage of ICT. Current trends are set out to address diverse stakeholders, covering private consumers, businesses and decision-makers in medical and care sectors as well as municipalities.

Therefore, subjects like patient empowerment, active and healthy aging, eHealth and mHealth, personalized medicine as well as the so-called Silver Economy are growing in relevance in research across the world.
Due to our extensive expertise in research projects and development, we at MINDS & SPARKS are well-suited to tackle societal and technical challenges related to the field of smart health in promoting novel Active and Assisted Living (AAL) solution, to foster digital literacy of end-users and policymakers as well as contribute relevant know-how on big data, open data and information aggregation, harmonization and visualization.

Safety & Security

Being a complex subject, safety and security research needs to include numerous issues, such as organized crime, natural disasters, major events, protest movements, emergencies, and the protection of the citizens from potential terrorist attacks or petty crimes. At MINDS & SPARKS, security research combines both, the social science research and the analysis or evaluation of technological approaches. Digital security is a core field of MINDS & SPARKS, where we can not only bring in knowledge on the technical aspects but combining it with experience in a variety of scientific fields for developing tailored solutions. Together with expert partners, criminal law framework conditions are analyzed in terms of security and privacy.


Using a unique combination of tools and technologies, we design specific solutions that address privacy, security, and transparency in all phases of product development and implementation. Drawing on legal texts, past experiences, anonymization techniques, social and technological forecasting, and social science experiments, we develop socio-technical strategies that help technological solutions incorporate human rights and ethical concerns.
To ensure wide uptake of the innovative products for the next generation of secure societies and cities, MINDS & SPARKS connects providers and users to test and validate new services efficiently. To increase the overall quality of services we provide essential know-how on piloting plans and respective techniques and tools to integrate real-life experiences into projects.

Future Automation

MINDS & SPARKS is devoted to cutting-edge advancements in the field of modern production and automation. Our expert team consists of engineers, scientists and project managers devoted to analyse, present and discuss the current status and impacts of advanced manufacturing, processing and technology. Additionally, we promote an international cooperation with focus on all aspects of intelligent manufacturing systems, factories of the future as well as on the production and assembly of technical products. Here, it is important to underline the synergy between components, corresponding automation, expert knowledge, education and transdisciplinary application of various technical and social methods.


MINDS & SPARKS contributes with innovative solutions to create a better and more sustainable future for all of mankind. This is the result of cross-field collaboration between researchers, scientists and engineers devoted to make a positive change. In order to define innovative solutions for today’s highly competitive global production environment, we integrate the following emerging concepts: Biologically inspired Systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Mobile Robots and more.

ICT & Future Technologies

Research and development endeavours in ICT are a core part of the research agenda of the European Commission, enabling Europe novel innovations in a global competitive market. With emerging technologies like 5G communication and industry 4.0, European R&D organizations and companies have new chances to position and prove them among international competitors. With the motivation to deliver ICT to society, MINDS & SPARKS has built up a broad expertise anticipating future challenges in applications design and development in the fields of Internet of Things, Cyber-physical Systems as well as network technologies and services.  By steadily delving into new fields, we position ourselves to tackle new challenges in the fields of co-creation, digital learning, cloud computing and gamification, delivering high quality concepts, designs and developments. MINDS & SPARKS brings together professionals of diverse research backgrounds, including algorithms, architecture, data management, machine learning, privacy & security, user interfaces, and visualization.


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