ODIN: Tailored dissemination and communication strategy for presenting ODIN Smart Hospitals

ODIN is a European multi-centre pilot study focussing on the enhancement of hospital safety, productivity and quality. It will contribute to the implementation of the European Smart Hospitals of the Future. To achieve this goal, the ODIN project aims to reach a significant number of users and business partners, through tailored communication and dissemination activities, webinars, and special activities. These actions will be delivered during and after the project lifetime and will help to enlarge the ecosystem.

The main objective of ODIN is to deliver an open digital platform, supporting a suite of services and Key Enabling Resources (KERs) empowered by robotics, IoT solutions and specialized AI. These resources will be implemented in three Reference Areas of Hospital Interventions (workers, robots and medical locations) and will be tested through seven Clinical User Cases in leading hospitals of six European countries, namely Spain, France, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy.

Communication and Dissemination activities

For making the project activities public, a mix of communication and dissemination tools will be applied in order to achieve maximum impact and spread of messages, exchange of information and knowledge to the recipients. These include multimedia material, press and specialist press, audio-visual media, website and social media. ODIN will be presented by all partners at the most relevant national and international forums, local conferences and workshops as well as industry expos and fairs.

One important part of the communication and dissemination activities is holding a series of webinars organised by consortium experts dealing with current issues in the field. The first webinar has already taken place in July 2021. It focused on integrated Robotics and gave a broad overview of the current state-of-the-art in healthcare robotics. Furthermore, leading experts presented and discussed forthcoming developments in the medical robotics sector. An overview video and the webinars that have already taken place were uploaded in the ODIN YouTube-Channel; the corresponding links can also be found on the ODIN website.

ODIN Hospitals of future 360º Webinar Series
ODIN Hospitals of future 360º Webinar Series


The continuous collecting and mapping of relevant stakeholders will help to identify and reach the widest possible audience of potential interested parties. Next, synergies with related projects will be established, conference workshops will be organised and a publicly available blog focused on topic-specific discussions will be set up. Additionally, relevant previously mapped communities of interest on a European and international level will be connected, which will further boost the visibility of ODIN project and its objectives. Finally, effective enlargement of ODIN partnership, capacity building and connection with technology providers will be achieved by launching ODIN Open Calls.

PHArA-ON stakeholder collection overview sheet
PHArA-ON stakeholder collection overview sheet