14 Sep ODIN: Pre-defined Use Cases as basis for the Development of the ODIN Reference Use Cases
The ODIN project aims to provide smart hospital solutions by leveraging e.g., Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data. It includes seven pre-defined use cases (UCs), grouped into three umbrella categories called Reference Use Cases (RUCs). These RUCs serve as high-level guides and form – together with UCs – the foundation based on which the technologies were chosen and are tested in the piloting hospitals.
The ODIN project aims to provide smart hospital solutions by leveraging advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data. Starting from seven pre-defined use cases and to better entail the overall ODIN experimental framework, three Reference Use Cases (RUCs) have been introduced overarching all the case studies of the ODIN Pilot Journey. They help to keep an open approach within the organisation of the project, allowing new partners from the Open Call to add new use cases if needed and take into account all the objectives and categories covered by each of the original ones. The RUCs include three key aspects of hospitals and serve as a high-level guide:
- RUC A “Health Services Management”
RUC A focuses on clinical and diagnostic-oriented activities, aiming to optimise patient care and support clinical workflows. It includes use cases that reduce the burden on healthcare providers by using AI-based support for diagnosis, automating clinical workflows, and providing inpatient remote rehabilitation. RUC A’s objective is to improve the quality and workflow of clinicians while optimising the comfort perceived by patients during their journey and improving their health conditions.
- RUC B “Goods and Devices Management”
RUC B aims to improve hospital logistics, clinical engineering, and the management of medical devices using ODIN technologies. By leveraging the capabilities of ODIN, this Reference Use Case seeks to optimise procurement, storage and distribution of materials, reduce redundant activities, and enhance the workflow and efficiency within hospitals. It also focuses on real-time management of medical devices to improve their performance and reduce adverse events, ultimately leading to better disaster preparedness.
- RUC C “Disaster Preparedness, Comprehensive of all the previous ones in a Disaster Management”
RUC C aims to prepare hospitals for possible unforeseen and tragic events that may occur, covering UC7 “Disaster Preparedness” (see Figure 1). This atypical RUC has been introduced to prepare and tackle the multitude of difficulties that hospitals had to face during the pandemic and other catastrophes, such as terror attacks, natural events, and more. For this purpose, the ODIN approach and Key Exploitable Results (KERs) will allow, through different simulations, to contribute to hospital resilient management (e.g., crowd management, security, IPC support) and prepare hospitals for possible future catastrophes, always prioritising safety.
Within ODIN, the RUCs have been developed from seven predefined use cases, which in turn have been broken down into technological applications for needs previously defined by the piloting partners:

After the identification of specific requirements and needs of each use case, the potential cost-effectiveness of each proposed ODIN technology was assessed. Additionally, the possibility of combining existing indicators to create a comprehensive Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework was explored, ensuring it incorporates all necessary dimensions and improves decision-making for UC workflows. Thus, impact was assessed under a performance related perspective (efficacy vs efficiency), with a focus on the trade-off between better health results and higher costs of implementing ODIN solutions.
Reference Use Cases, Health Services Management, Goods and Devices Management, Disaster Preparedness, ODIN solutions, hospital management